Freshness and Flavor All Year Round
Loreto’s gastronomy could be described as a constantly evolving tradition, a legacy free from ties, a high-quality supply of fish—all in a stunning natural setting.
Continua en la historia

This unique combination offers visitors an exceptional gastronomic experience in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
For this reason, Loreto is a destination that focuses on the essentials: cooking what the sea naturally provides with passion.
Local and foreign chefs know that perfection can be achieved while maintaining simplicity and excellent service.
▮ In a world full of artificial, attention-grabbing contrivances, it is essential to go back to the basics, to what is natural, to simple things. This is the best gift for travelers seeking an authentic experience. Loreto has it.

▮ Loreto’s Popular Dishes Are:
▗ Chocolate clams prepared several ways: au gratin, pickled, or charred
▗ Seafood such as scallops (brought in from the Pacific)
▗ Ceviche
▗ Fish tacos
▗ Lobster (brought from the Pacific)
▗ Tuna (in Winter)
▮ And Northern Food:
▗ Machaca (cured and shredded beef)
▗ Fajitas
▗ Burritos
Clamato, an essential, refreshing cocktail served at any time of the day, deserves a special mention. It is based on tomato juice and, of course, clam broth.

Passion for the Ocean
Loreto stands out, among many other reasons, for the freshness and consistently high quality of its cuisine.
▮ Charred Clams:
A Favorite in Loreto
This is a one-of-a-kind dish from the charming town of Loreto, made special because of the way it is cooked.
The whole process starts with its harvesting. Trained divers with an expert eye collect the mollusk with only basic snorkeling equipment. The next step is to take their valuable harvest to the preparation area known as the tatemador.

▮ What Is a Tatemador?
It is a square on the ground filled with gravel where the mollusk is half-buried. To cook them, dry scrub that grows near streams is used to cover the area and is set on fire. This gives the clams a great smoky flavor, of course a secret of Loreto’s people.
They are usually served on large flour tortillas, with a mayonnaise-based dressing.

Also known in other coastal parts of our country, it is prepared in Loreto with fish, shrimp, or octopus marinated in lemon juice, letting it cook in the citric acid. Then tomatoes, onions, avocados, and cilantro are added—truly one of the favorite dishes in this Magical Town.
How Ceviche Arrived in Mexico
The techniques for preparing raw food reached both Mexico and Peru via immigrants from Asia. It is thanks to this powerful cultural mix that a recipe that has transcended borders was created.

In Loreto, as in other Mexican ports, there is exceptional tuna, especially in the Winter. You will find it as a seared fillet or as sashimi. The latter is very popular in the Magical Town and throughout the state of Baja California Sur.

Fish Tacos
These are very famous all over the California peninsula, and of course Loreto has its very own take. They are everyone’s favorite since they are prepared many ways. They can be made with shrimp, the catch of the day, clams, snails, or octopus.
Wherever you order them, whether in a small diner, on the street, in a market, or in a gourmet restaurant, you will love them.

In Loreto, chefs chop up beef, marinated pork, and fresh seafood to prepare burritos. You can find them on the street and in gourmet restaurants. Other options are made with machaca (cured, shredded beef), roasted peppers and onions, chorizo, shredded beef, or even just beans and cheese.

Just a stone’s throw from the sand, visitors enjoy both the sun and the freshest and healthiest cuisine all year.

Seductive Fusions
As we said before, the creativity of Loreto’s cooks, whether local or foreign, have created wonders when it comes to cooking up their dishes, or using other cuisines from around the world as support and inspiration.
That is why we invite you to go ahead and try something everywhere you go, but if what you want is to have a full experience, here are some options:
▮ Sashimi Fest
There is a surprise in store every year, as more than fifty participants take part. In addition, everyone loves that it takes place on the beach, as in 2022, which was on the Oasis Hotel’s beach.
Each year sashimi chefs, not only from Baja California Sur, but also from other areas such as Oaxaca, Jalisco, Baja California and the United States pull out their knives. Keep an eye out for the stars of the festival: the special sauces that everyone dies to try.
What is sashimi?
It is a dish that comes from Japan and is based on finely cut raw fish and/or seafood. Usually tuna, sea bass, horse mackerel, bonito, and sea bream are used.

Local experiences
▮ Private Picnics in Loreto
There are very attractive services letting you spend days in Loreto’s exuberant natural surroundings, enjoying the best of the local gastronomy.
After sightseeing in Loreto, a local chef sets up a private beach retreat with a dinner full of seafood and other Mexican dishes.

Mission Wine in Loreto:
the First Californian Wine
▀ What many do not know is that the first Californian wine was produced in Baja California Sur.
The story goes like this: with the establishment of Jesuit missions throughout the peninsula, the colonization of California as a region of what was New Spain began. The Jesuit mission of San Francisco Xavier Viggé-Biaundó was the first site where wine was produced, on the eastern slopes of the Sierra de la Giganta, 20 miles from Loreto.
The main wine producers are in two towns that were originally missions in the central part of the state: San Miguel de Comondú and La Purísima.
The missionary wines are characterized by being pale reds with various shades of amber.
The distance between Loreto and San Miguel de Comondú is 48 miles by road and takes approximately 1 hour and 5 minutes to get there. The route from Loreto to San Miguel de Comondú is on MEX 1 road.

Mission wines
are known
for being pale reds
or with a range
of golden hues.

Very Special Grapes
Clusters of Mission grapes are large and loose, which means clusters can ripen for a long time and the grapes are very hardy.